New Year, New You. Yet another saying/hashtag that, for want of a less graphic description, makes my stomach violently convulse. If I am being entirely truthful, I cannot remember the last time I had a thought about a new years resolution, let alone written down a lengthy list of them. Because, why should we wait until the start of a year to kick our asses into gear. Why must it be only that debaucherous night (or week) of indulgent celebrations around this time that leads us to this enlightened new head space. Where we can see everything with a fresh sense of clarity and drive. How is it that this starting of a new calendar can so strongly determine the successes in our lives.
Because humanity loves having something to latch onto. Something to hold us accountable.
As I will always believe though. Each and every experience, including the shit, comes along with you for the wild ride. We are consistently evolving, improving, and becoming more empowered through our retrospective learnings. As opposed to completely wiping the slate clean, forgetting the shit, and starting fresh.
Hence I have come to my very own NEW YEARS, NEW ME.
Titled "Eliminating the Faff".
I am definitely not going to go into the details of each individual faff eliminating idea. On this list are no written hopes of getting through a dry January or July (in all honestly, I'd already have fucked up January because there is in fact a glass of wine beside this laptop as a write this blog). There is no big preach about cutting out all processed foods, sugars and illicit drugs. No weight loss objective. And most certainly not a written five or ten year plan...(don't get me started on those..).
This year I shall attempt to ELIMINATE THE FAFF from my life. This means eliminating what does not serve me. It means finding the parts of my life that I really give a shit about. No matter how big or small. I want to ensure that everything I spend my time on has worth, and is igniting some sort of flame inside of me. However you may want to take that....
This is about doing and creating more of what sets your soul on fire. Not necessarily about cutting out the small and seemingly insignificant things.
This idea is in no way a new concept for me. I go on and on about my obsession with eliminating faff from my life. Cutting the crap. However, midway through a not so unusually sweaty training session today, I suddenly came to this not so shocking realisation that in these last few years, my life is, and has been just a little too much FAFF. I mean, even this blogspot is called "Faffing through life".
I just love a faff!
I love to faff about. I naturally create FAFFY drama in order to distract myself from all the non- faff. My faffing distracts me from doing and creating what I might actually have to work just a little hard for. It distracts me from from pursuing those goals that seem just a little unattainable. It takes away my accountability.
(what a word though!)
Im talking work wise. If you can make some sort of living doing things that you so genuinely love and believe in, why would not at least TRY to make them part of your life. People. Noticing who adds value, and who is just not giving you back at least a little of what you might try to give them. Energy wise. In friends, family and lovers (whatever that may mean). I'm choosing to believe it's about finding who's energy lifts you, and ignites this fire that we so desperately search for. Ones that bring light and warmth to your soul. The people who make everything just a little lighter. What you choose to spend your free time on. The seemingly less important things that change the way you see yourself. Those adventures away, and excursions from everyday life, that alter they way you see the world.
This, for me, is eliminating the faff. It is as simple as letting go of what is not allowing the light shine in. Focusing my energy on cultivating what I need to become the most passionate and empowered version of myself. It is doing a whole lot more of what sets my entire being on fire.
Because... giving a fuck is sexy. It is exciting. It feels wonderful. It is most certainly empowering. And it is not faffy at all!
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